Making Others Better FOUNDATION &
We Conquer Productions; L.L.C.......
together we are changing the world one person & community at a time
Making Others Better FOUNDATION & Making Others Better FOUNDATION is With the help of donors and grants
We Conquer Productions; L.L.C. will provide a non-profit organization that plans to Making Others Better FOUNDATION
the following services: Business Consulting & provide transitional services to the follow- will be able to cater to individuals in
Development, Counselling, Legal Aid, ing individuals: veterans returning from need of assistance of transitioning
Floor Technician, Grant Writing, Hospice Home war, men & women being released from back into society as law abiding pro-
Care, Notary Public, Tax Preparation and incarceration, our youth at risk, men & ductive citizens. These individuals un-
Tutoring Services. women with short-term rehabilitational derstand that the services provided
needs, and family &/or individual hous- will help them leave their legacy to
ing due to a crisis such as a fire, floods, the past, present, and future genera-
asbestos/mold and/or pest removal, etc. tions.
We are accepting donations in the form
of the following: land, vehicles, boats,
dwellings, clothing & footwear, non-perish-
able items, and any monetary amount.